The "How" and "Why"
Parakaleo International works closely with national pastors to support projects and needs that are at the heart of their ministries. In Haiti, several pastors have formed a sister organization called Parakaleo Haiti, and are inter-dependent on each other for prayer and accountability. Parakaleo International's role with this sister organization is to come alongside them in order to effectively expand the work of our Lord. ​ In an effort to assist churches in becoming independent and interdependent, Parakaleo International promotes the training of national teachers and Christian schools associated with the local church. In order to promote evangelism and to show the love of Christ in a tangible way, Parakaleo International assists in providing for the medical and physical needs of impoverished communities in connection with local churches. ​ We owe a great debt to the many missionaries that have sacrificed so much for the cause of Christ. The works we are able to multiply today through national leaders is a direct result of the many years of faithful, grueling service of former missionaries. The fruit of their work is more evident today than ever before. Thanks to missionaries that have sacrificed over the last century, there are established churches and programs in Haiti that are administered and led by national workers. We are able to work with these faithful, national servants of our Lord to plant numerous churches in the "uttermost" parts of the country. Parakaleo International wants to provide donors and recipients with an atmosphere of fellowship and relationship. We don't want to just "throw money" at problems, but rather give of ourselves to those who need our help. We want donors to commit to pray for their brothers and sisters in Christ and to be a part of their ministry through both prayer and giving. Parakaleo International encourages donors to participate in trips where their specific skill set could benefit a ministry. We want to keep both parties accountable to each other, financially and spiritually. Broaden your vision for the world and increase your passion for Christ. Pray, give, and go!